Home News Unleash Your Inner Artist: The Best Art Jamming Singapore

Unleash Your Inner Artist: The Best Art Jamming Singapore

by Gareth Mark

Art Jamming is a process where artists come together to create art collaboratively. Art Jams are most often led by professional artists, and the number of participants can vary greatly depending on the event.

The Art Jamming Singapore event is an opportunity for people to join together in a three-hour creative session where anything goes! You can choose from various different art media such as paint, charcoal, pastels or even Lego bricks.

The only rule is that you need at least one other Art Jammer on your team. There are also prizes available: The winner of the best artwork will get $100 worth of vouchers.

Every Art Jammer needs a team of three other people to help during the jam session; this might mean just staying for two hours or coming for the entire time.

So it’s okay if you don’t have any ideas yet because at Art Jamming everyone must work together like how an artist collaborates with his/her painter or model when creating new works. It’s all about forming connections and making friends through Art.

Art Jamming in Singapore has successfully taken place six times so far:

– October 2013 (theme of “The Arts in Space”)

– February 2014 – March 2014 (“Everyday Objects”)

– September 2015 (Theme not determined)

– November 2016 – December 2016 (Theme: “Reality Transformed”)

– June 2017 – July 2017 (Theme: “Exposing Hidden Art”)

If you’re interested in this and want to sign up for the next event, you can look out for it on social media platforms.

If you are an art enthusiast, then this is definitely something worth visiting. So what are you waiting for? Read more about this beautiful art session and join it to satisfy the art lover in you!

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